IN CAR is a pan-Indian thriller-drama film produced  by Anjum Qureshi, Sajid Qureshi under the banner of Inbox pictures & written and directed by Harsh Warrdhan.

The National Award winner Ritika Singh plays the main protagonist role in this film, along with the Three kidnappers & One innocent car driver Manish Jhanjholia, Gyan Prakash, Sandeep Goyat, and  Sunil Soni.

Mithun Gangopadhyay handled the cinematography, and the film’s editing was done by Manik Diwar. Mathias Duplessy composed the soundtracks and the background score for this film.



Incar tells the tale of a kidnapping case involving a college student who found herself in a critical survival scenario. The three kidnapped persons never let her go, regardless of her best efforts to run. She adapts to the situation and waits for the perfect opportunity to end their intrusive purpose. The fundamental conflict of this movie is whether she managed to escape from the four mentally miserable men.

Five members army succeed in the way of their performances. From the beginning itself the film tide audience to the film. In Car film is good message to the society. Worth to watch.

Cast and Crew Details :


Ritika Singh

Sandeep Goyat

Manish Jhanjholia

Gyan Prakash


Production House : Inbox pictures


Produced By : Anjum Qureshi, Sajid Qureshi


Presented by : Studio Green K. E. Gnanavelraja


Written and Directed By : Harsh Warrdhan

Dop : Mithun Gangopadhyay

Music : Mathias Duplessy

Art : Chetan Sagar

Editor : Manik Diwar

Action : Sunil Rodrigues

PRO : Sathish Kumar

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"Mathioli" RAJAA


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