“Vaazhai” Movie produced by Divya Mari Selvaraj, Mari Selvaraj on behalf of Navvi Studios, Disney+ Hotstar & Farmer’s Master Plan Production, Directed by Mari Selvaraj, Music by Santosh Narayanan, Starring by Ponvel, Ragul, Nikhila Vimal, Divya Duraisamy, Kalaiarasan, Janaki, Padhman, J Sathishkumar.
“Vaazhai” is a heart-wrenching film directed by Mari Selvaraj, who is known for his personal and affecting stories. The movie follows the life of Sivanaindhan, a young boy who loses his father at a tender age and is forced to work in a banana plantation to support his family.
The story revolves around Sivanaindhan’s daily life, his friendship with Sekar, and his crush on their teacher Poongodi. Despite the hardships, the film showcases the beauty of childhood innocence and the struggles of the working class.
Overall :- “Vaazhai” is a poignant and thought-provoking film that explores themes of love, loss, and resilience. With its strong cast and crew, the movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate meaningful cinema.
Vaazhai Cast & Crew Details
Cast :-
Ponvel as Sivanaindhaan
Raghul as Sekar
Janaki as Sivanaindhaan’s Mother
Dhivya Duraisamy as Vembu
Kalaiyarasan as Kani
Nikhila Vimal as Poongodi
Padhman as Broker
J. Sathish Kumar as Trader
Crew :-
Director: Mari Selvaraj
Banner : Disney+ Hotstar, Navvi Studios, Farmer’s Master Plan Production
Release by Red Giant Movies
Music Director: Santhosh Narayanan
Lyricist: Yugabharathi, Vivek, Mari Selvaraj
Produced by Divya Mari Selvaraj, Mari Selvaraj
DOP : Theni Eswar
Art Director: Kumar Gangappan
Editor : Suriya Pradhaman
Action Choreography : Dhilip Subbarayan
Dance Choreography : Sandy
Audiography: Suren
Sound Designer : Suren.G, Alagiyakoothan.S
Costume Designer : Shri Swarna
Costumer : T.Ravi
Makeup : R.Ganapathy
Stills : JayakumarVairavan
Publicity Designer: Kabilan
VFX : Harihara Sudhan
DI Colourist : Prasad Somasekar
DI Line Producer: ML Vijayakumar
PRO : Sathish (AIM)
Executive Producer : Venkat Arumugam
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